International Journal

Prapainainar, P., Pattanapisutkun, N., Prapainainar, C. and Kongkachuichay, P., 2019. Incorporating graphene oxide to improve the performance of Nafion-mordenite composite membranes for a direct methanol fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy44(1), pp.362-378.


Prapainainar, P., Maliwan, S., Sarakham, K., Du, Z., Prapainainar, C., Holmes, S.M. and Kongkachuichay, P., 2018. Homogeneous polymer/filler composite membrane by spraying method for enhanced direct methanol fuel cell performance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.

Huang, Y., Shui, L., Asghari, S., Prapainainar, P., Garg, A. and Kalita, P., 2018. A novel comprehensive procedure for determination of optimum operating conditions for cleaner energy production system. International Journal of Energy Research.

Huang, Y., Gao, L., Yi, Z., Tai, K., Kalita, P., Prapainainar, P. and Garg, A., 2018. An application of evolutionary system identification algorithm in modelling of energy production system. Measurement114, pp.122-131.

Prapainainar, P., Boonrod, B., Phetarporn, V., Saibautrong, W., Juntarungsee, S., Tiavirat, K. and Mungcharoen, T., 2017. Evaluating the environmental impacts of graft copolymer prepared by conventional emulsion polymerization, electron beam irradiation, and gamma ray irradiation through life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production167, pp.1038-1047.

Charoen, K., Warakulwit, C., Prapainainar, C., Seubsai, A., Chareonpanich, M. and Prapainainar, P., 2017. Optimization of metal atomic ratio of PdxRuyNiz on carbon support for ethanol oxidation. Applied Surface Science421, pp.2-17.

Sudachom, N., Warakulwit, C., Prapainainar, C., Witoon, T. and Prapainainar, P., 2017. One step NaBH4 reduction of Pt-Ru-Ni catalysts on different types of carbon supports for direct ethanol fuel cells: Synthesis and characterization. Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology45(5), pp.596-607.


Charoen, K., Prapainainar, C., Sureeyatanapas, P., Suwannaphisit, T., Wongamornpitak, K., Kongkachuichay, P., Holmes, S.M. and Prapainainar, P., 2017. Application of response surface methodology to optimize direct alcohol fuel cell power density for greener energy production. Journal of Cleaner Production142, pp.1309-1320.


Boonrod, B., Prapainainar, C., Narataruksa, P., Kantama, A., Saibautrong, W., Sudsakorn, K., Mungcharoen, T. and Prapainainar, P., 2017. Evaluating the environmental impacts of bio-hydrogenated diesel production from palm oil and fatty acid methyl ester through life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production142, pp.1210-1221.

Pattanapisutkun, N., Prapainainar, C., Kongkachuichay, P. and Prapainainar, P., 2017. Synthesis and Characterization of Silaned-Graphene Oxide-Mordenite Grafting. In Key Engineering Materials (Vol. 718, pp. 81-86). Trans Tech Publications.

Jansomboon, W., Boonmaloet, K., Sukaros, S. and Prapainainar, P., 2017. Rice Hull Micro and Nanosilica: Synthesis and Characterization. In Key Engineering Materials (Vol. 718, pp. 77-80). Trans Tech Publications.

Seubsai, A., Phon-in, P., Chukeaw, T., Uppala, C., Prapainainar, P., Chareonpanich, M., Zohour, B., Noon, D. and Senkan, S., 2016. Direct Propylene Epoxidation over RuO2–CuO–NaCl–TeO2–MnO x/SiO2 Catalysts: Optimized Operating Conditions and Catalyst Characterization. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research56(1), pp.100-110.

Phon-in, P., Seubsai, A., Chukeaw, T., Charoen, K., Donphai, W., Prapainainar, P., Chareonpanich, M., Noon, D., Zohour, B. and Senkan, S., 2016. Direct epoxidation of propylene to propylene oxide over RuO 2-CuO-NaCl-TeO 2-MnO x/SiO 2 catalysts. Catalysis Communications86, pp.143-147.

Charoen, K., Warakulwit, C., Prapainainar, C., Seubsai, A., Chareonpanich, M. and Prapainainar, P., 2017. Optimization of metal atomic ratio of Pd x Ru y Ni z on carbon support for ethanol oxidation. Applied Surface Science.

Prapainainar, P., Du, Z., Kongkachuichay, P., Holmes, S.M. and Prapainainar, C., 2017. Mordenite/Nafion and analcime/Nafion composite membranes prepared by spray method for improved direct methanol fuel cell performance. Applied Surface Science.

Prapainainar, C., Kanjanapaisit, S., Kongkachuichay, P., Holmes, S.M. and Prapainainar, P., 2016. Surface modification of mordenite in Nafion composite membrane for direct ethanol fuel cell and its characterizations: Effect of types of silane coupling agent. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering4(3), pp.2637-2646.

Wisessirikul, W., Loykulnant, S., Montha, S., Fhulua, T. and Prapainainar, P., 2016, June. 2-[(Hydroxymethyl) amino] ethanol in water as a preservative: Study of formaldehyde released by Taguchi’s method. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 36, No. 1, p. 012049). IOP Publishing.

Jongsomjit, S., Prapainainar, P. and Sombatmankhong, K., 2016. Synthesis and characterisation of Pd–Ni–Sn electrocatalyst for use in direct ethanol fuel cells. Solid State Ionics288, pp.147-153.

Prapainainar, P., Boonrod, B., Phetarporn, V., Saibautrong, W., Juntarungsee, S., Tiavirat, K. and Mungcharoen, T., 2016. Evaluating the environmental impacts of graft copolymer prepared by conventional emulsion polymerization, electron beam irradiation, and gamma ray irradiation through life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production.

Khamplod, T., Loykulnant, S., Kongkaew, C., Sureeyatanapas, P. and Prapainainar, P., 2015. Electron beam radiation grafting of styrene on natural rubber using Taguchi’s design. Polymer79, pp.135-145.

Jaimuang, S., Vatanatham, T., Limtrakul, S. and Prapainainar, P., 2015. Kinetic studies of styrene-grafted natural rubber emulsion copolymerization using transmission electron microscope and thermal gravimetric analysis. Polymer67, pp.249-257.

Jongsomjit, S., Sombatmankhong, K. and Prapainainar, P., 2015. Effect of acid functionalised carbon supports for Pd–Ni–Sn catalyst on ethanol oxidation reaction. RSC Advances5(75), pp.61298-61308.

Prapainainar, P., Theampetch, A., Kongkachuichay, P., Laosiripojana, N., Holmes, S.M. and Prapainainar, C., 2015. Effect of solution casting temperature on properties of nafion composite membrane with surface modified mordenite for direct methanol fuel cell. Surface and Coatings Technology271, pp.63-73.

Jaimuang, S., Vatanatham, T., Limtrakul, S. and Prapainainar, P., 2014. The Effect of Process Factors to the Kinetic Studies of Emulsion Copolymerization of Natural Rubber and Styrene (Vol. 844, pp. 361-364). Trans Tech Publications.

Khamplod, T., Loykulnant, S., Kongkaew, C. and Prapainainar, P., 2014. Preparation of Graft Copolymer of Natural Rubber and Polystyrene by Electron Beam Irradiation. Advanced Materials Research.

Kanjanapaisit, S., Prapainainar, C. and Prapainainar, P., 2013. Nafion-Silane Modified Mordenite Composite Membrane Synthesis and Characterization for Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell. In Advanced Materials Research (Vol. 747, pp. 321-324). Trans Tech Publications.

International Conference

  1. Prapainainar, C. Chaimanuskul, K. Promasrt, and C. Yoonoo, “Experimental Study of Effect of Ethanol Concentration and Temperature on Ethanol Permeability of Nafion Membrane,” presented at the International Conference on Membrane Science & Technology (MST2012: Sustainable Energy and Environment), Bangkok, 2012.

  1. Prapainainar and R. Young, “Deformation Behavior of Release Agent Coated Glass Fibre/Epoxy Composite using Carbon Nonotubes as Strain Sensors,” presented at the TIChE International Conference 2011, Songkhla, 2011.

  1. Prapainainar and R. Young, “Application of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes as Strain Sensors on Commercial Glass Fibres in an Epoxy Matrix,” presented at the NanoThailand2010, Bangkok, 2010.

National Journal

ภัครดา แสนสุขสมไพศาล คงคาฉุยฉาย, “การสังเคราะห์เมมเบรนซีโอไลต์ SUZ-4 จากเถ้าแกลบ: การศึกษาสมบัติทางกายภาพ”วิศวกรรมสาร มข.ปีที่ 37, ฉบับที่ 4, ตุลาคม – ธันวาคม 2010, หน้า 349-357

ศรันยา คุณะดิลก(เผือกผ่อง)ขจีจรัส ภิรมย์ธรรมศิริบัญญัติ เศรษฐฐิติไพศาล คงคาฉุยฉายศักดา อินทรวิชัย, “Development of Dyeing Machines for Improving the Quality of Local Thai Silk Dyeing”, วารสารวิชาการเกษตร (Thai Agricultural Research Journal), ปีที่ 28, ฉบับที่ 1, มกราคม – เมษายน 2010, หน้า 96-109

อำนาจ คำหล่าไพศาล คงคาฉุยฉาย, “ปฏิกิริยาทรานส์เอสเทอริฟิเคชันน้ำมันสบู่ดำโดยใช้ตัวเร่งปฏิกิริยาโปแตสเซียมออกไซด์/ฟอจาไซต์”วารสารวิทยาศาสตร์ มศว.ปีที่ 24, ฉบับที่ 1, มิถุนายน 2008, หน้า 141-152

International Conference

Patcharin  Worathanakul, Paisan Kongkachuichay, “New SUZ-4 Zeolite Membrane from Sol-Gel Technique”, Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 4 – 6July2008, Paris, France

Varisara Deerattrakul, Paisan Kongkachuichay, “Effect of Cu-Zn Metal Loading on N-Doped Reduced Graphene Oxide Catalyst for Direct CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol”, The 6th Burapha University International Conference 2017, August 3-4, 2017, Pattaya, THAILAND, 3 – 4August2017, Chonburee

Thidarat Imyen, Nevzat Yigit, Peerapan Dittanet, Noelia Barrab?s, Karin F?ttinger, G?nther Rupprechter, Paisan Kongkachuichay, “NO Reduction using Cu-Zn/Core-Shell Structured Al-MCM-41 Catalyst: The Promotional Effect of Zn”, Proceedings in The 6th Burapha University International Conference 2017, August 3-4, 2017, Pattaya, THAILAND, 3 – 4August2017, Chonburee

Pakkarada Sansuksom, Paisan Kongkachuichay, “NO Reduction in a Catalytic Al-MCM-41 HoneycombReactor: Comparison of Mono-Metallic and Bi-MetallicCatalysts”, The 5th Burapha University International Conference 2016, 28 – 29July2016, Chonburee

Zehui Du, Chaiwat Prapainainar, Paisan Kongkachuichay, Paweena Prapainainar, “Effect of Synthesis Parameters on Crystal Size and Perfection of Mordenite and Analcime”, GEASC International Conference 2015 , 2 – 4December2015, Tokyo, Japan

สุวิมล สัจจวาณิชย์ธนวรรธก์ มีศักดิ์กฤษณ์ วันอินทร์จักรพันธ์ เทือกต๊ะ, Paisan Kongkachuichay, ปิยะ โชติกไกร, “Influence of Some Chemical Compounds of Waste Materials onASR Expansion of Thai Volcanic Rock”, the 7th Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development, 5 – 7November2015, Bangkok

Peerapan Dittanet, Raymond A. Pearson, Paisan Kongkachuichay, กฤษณชัย ลีลาชัย, “Thermal and mechanical behavior of silica nanoparticles dispersed in selected epoxy resins”, The 5th TIChE International Conference , 8 – 10November2015, Chonburee

Busaya Chamnankid, Karin F?ttinger, Gunther Rupprechter Institute , Paisan Kongkachuichay, “Ni/CeO2/ZrO2 Catalysts for Water Gas Shift Reaction: Effect of CeO2 Contents and Reduction Temperature”, The 5th International Conference on Advanced Nano Materials (ANM 2014), 2 – 4July2014, Aveiro, Portugal

Busaya Chamnankid, Paisan Kongkachuichay, “Effect of Core-Shell Structure and Chitosan Addition on Catalytic Activities of Silica-Aluminosilicate Composites in deNOx Reaction by H2”, 6th International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings, and Nano-Structured Materials, 18October2011, Krakow, Poland

Paisan Kongkachuichay, Metta Chareonpanich, Busaya  Chamnankid, “Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica-Aluminosilicate Composites Using CTAB-Chitosan as Templates”, The 6th Asian Aerosol Conference 2009, 24 – 27November2009, Bangkok

Paisan Kongkachuichay, Siraprapa Pimprom, “Nafion/Analcime and Nafion/Faujasite Composite Membranes for High Temperature Operation of PEMFC”, World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2008 (WCECS 2008) , San Francisco,USA., 22 – 24October 2008, San Francisco United Stated

Patcharin Worathanakul, Paisan Kongkachuichay, Jingkun Jiang, Pratim Biswas, “Synthesis of nanostructured aluminosilicates by flame aerosol routes for environmental applications”, The 233rd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA., 25 – 29March2007, United Stated

Local Conference

ปวีนา ประไพนัยนาภัทรพร ธัญญารัตน์สกุลสุภาภรณ์ เทอดเทียนวงษ์อภิชัย เทอดเทียนวงษ์, “Preparation and Characterization of Catalyst Layer for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Electrode”, การประชุมวิชาการวิศวกรรมเคมีและเคมีประยุกต์แห่งประเทศไทย ครั้งที่ 13, 30 – 31 ตุลาคม 2003, นครนายก